Wednesday, July 1, 2015

10 most common dental issues

10 most common dental issues

Many of us do not know but even though the mouth is a small part of the body, there are many health related things going on in it.

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Many of us do not know but even though the mouth is a small part of the body, there are many health related things going on in it.
American Dental Association and dentists recommend that we should brush our teeth at least twice a day an also not to forget flossing them. Do you know that scraping your tongue every morning actually has a positive impact on the overall health? Given below are the most common dental problems and the ways to prevent them.
Bad Breath
Bad breath which is called halitosis is mainly caused because of the bacteria on the tongue. Dry mouth is another cause for this which happens when you sleep. Foods like garlic and onions also cause halitosis.
Gum Disease
Improper oral hygiene, smoking and genetic proneness are the main reasons for gum diseases. The symptoms of gum disease are not seen till a person reaches 30 or 40 years but teenagers often complain about gingivitis which is a milder form of gum disease.
Mouth Sores
Canker sores and Herpes are the two kinds of mouth sores. Canker sores which are non-virus can happen to anyone because of reasons like stress of hereditary susceptibility. This typically stays for around 12 days. Bu Herpes is something which has to be treated with lasers and this treatment takes about 15 to 20 minutes.
Tooth Sensitivity
Exposed root surfaces is the main cause of tooth sensitivity. The tooth root can become exposed If the gums recede even a little making air and fluids stimulate the nerve in the tooth centre. Cracked teeth, heat, cold and sensitivity to acidity can also be other reasons. If your teeth are sensitive and you have pain, it is good to visit a dentist soon.
Yellow Teeth
Consuming food and beverages like red wine and coffee can cause yellow teeth. Sometimes a yellow teeth comes naturally.
Sugar and starch which settle on the teeth are feasted on by bacteria and release acids. This acid results in the washing of tooth enamel. The bacteria then settles between the teeth and create cavities which can only be treated by a dentist.
Wisdom Teeth
If there is enough space in your jaw, the forming of wisdom tooth does not cause pain but in some people its formation causes real pain as the tooth goes deep into the gum and gets stuck as there is no room for it to come out. As it causes infection, it has to be removed by a dentist.
Teeth Grinding
Stress and misaligned teeth are the causes of Bruxism or teeth grinding. A plastic guard can be fabricated to the teeth when you sleep to prevent further damage to the teeth. Relaxation techniques to reduce stress thereby training the muscles of the face to relax can help you to a large extent.
Tooth Erosion
This is not very common but happens to people who have bulimia as the acids from the stomach dissolve the tooth enamel and if this continues, the teeth also dissolve till they reach the gum line.
All the above situations cause tooth aches. In addition, a broken teeth because of an accident is also another reason. As soon as you notice any abnormality in your mouth, go to a family dentistry and seek advice.

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